Hello again and welcome back to the blog! Always lovely to see you. After the blog post about HTML we are now going to discuss about the text editor called Atom.

Contents for this blog includes:

  • What a text editor is?
  • What is Atom?
  • How you can use Atom to start coding

A text editor is a software programme that can be used to edit and input text

  1. It is important because text editors can be used to edit markup languages such as HTML and consequently CSS as well. One text editor that I am currently using is… Atom!

Atom was developed by GitHub – an internet host for software development

  1. It’s open source – meaning you don’t need to pay a penny to use it
  2. It’s beginner friendly – I can attest to that as I had zero coding experience prior
  3. It boasts itself to be the ‘hackable text editor’ – meaning you can add your input into the actual text editor if you like

(Unfortunately Chromebooks does not seem to support Atom at the moment, but feel free to browse any text editors they do have – most text editors hardly differ from each other)

  1. Make sure to start learning the code or markup language that you want to use (You can use Atom for JavaScript and Python as well)
  2. If your code is incorrect then it won’t work
  3. W3 Schools have some great tutorials for web development

Extra tip: if you are looking to change the fonts of your website through CSS here is a great tutorial